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How to reach your career goals today

There are many students out there who have a thing for certain jobs but can not figure out how to get there. Are you one of them?

I have met some adults who abandoned a long-held dream when it seemed inconceivable. However, anytime they saw people in that profession the feeling is either admiration or jealousy, though some may be indifferent.

A conversation with Ebenezer Quansah (Fujanja) drives home the point that we should not give up easily on our dreams.

Our business link for the month on the business lifestyle segment.

Who is this person behind the name Fujanja?

Well, he’s a young gentleman; a high school teacher, a radio personality, and a sports lover with a strong Christian background.

Wow, so tell us a little bit about sports

I love football and swimming. I have had people ask me why I analyze just football and not the other games. Football sells. It is a business that many people patronize. As radio presenters, we promote what brings revenue to our stations. Nonetheless, if other disciplines would get sponsorships and advertisements we would engage with them.

You are a sports pundit, share with us your experience with the game

It requires a lot of time and effort, digging to have your facts about players, coaches, and clubs in both the local and international terrain. Occasionally traveling to run commentaries can be exhausting.

So how did the journey of a sports analyst begin?

From infancy, mine has been a natural talent. I had a knack for running commentaries way back from primary school. When my friends played football, I loved to stand on the touchline and comment. Then some well-meaning friends and family members encouraged me to go to a radio station and nurture that skill.

So just like that, it clicked?

No. It has been an arduous journey. When I completed JHS in the village, I decided to go to a high school in town that was close to a radio station. I was a boarder so I could not easily go out of school. To add to my disappointment, I had no one to lead me to the station.

In 2013, when I got an Android phone I went to Twitter regularly to pick football news. Thus I told myself that if I cannot get in touch with a radio personality, I’ll start something all by myself.

So what did you do and how did it go?

I started with a WhatsApp group. The idea was to disseminate sports news but most importantly to create a brand. That’s how Fujanja Sports Family came into being. At that time WhatsApp was new, but the idea worked fine. Members advertised the pages and within a short time I had four groups and a Facebook page.

My page became popular among some sports presenters. Finally, it reached Sir Van of Ahomka FM. He called to know more about me.

Okay, that means you were gradually reaching your goal?

Yeah, somehow. At this point, I had become a link for some sports presenters to get information for their programs.

Exactly, you were being noticed, so was that the point?

At Windy Bay

Not really. Fast forward to September 2015, as a student at UEW, I decided to go to Radio Windy Bay. It was more English than Akan so I didn’t enjoy it much, and I was only doing analysis, no commentary or presentation.

If you have a talent, determine to make it useful.


I think the real exposure came in 2017 when I was working with Ahomka FM. As usual, I did my analysis. Once, I got to the studio and the presenter had taken ill, so I was asked to present in his stead. I was nervous. I asked for time to build confidence- a few days. I recorded myself presenting in a studio and listened, now I was ready to do the actual work and I started. That was the point.

The journey has been tough, but have there been difficult experiences along the way?

In 2019, Ahomka FM came down. I moved to other FM stations -about three in Cape Coast but the conditions have not been okay so I don’t stay long. At the moment I am with Kingdom FM.

Combining my Radio work with Full-time Teaching and Higher Education is difficult but I love all I do so I go on.

Can you tell us about your motivation and successes?

My Mum is my number one cheerleader in all this. I am always grateful to her for the encouragement.

In 2021, I was nominated for National Youth Sports Presenter and I won that Award thanks to all who voted for me.

For 2022, I have been nominated for Central Region Sports Presenter, Sports Analyst of The Year, Sports Commentator, Central Business Entertainment Awards, Sports Personality of the year, and Radio Personality of the year.

I have also had the opportunity to meet some personalities that I would ordinarily not have met.

In developing one’s talent, success is not instant, it takes time and effort

To conclude I would say it pays to develop one’s skills. It takes resilience to get to the top. Beginning a career in any field is tough and it can be disappointing but the results are always gratifying.

My admirers can always follow me on

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