The search for work is high, as each year, a sea of high school and university graduates flood the job market.
The hard truth is that having a degree or specialized training is no guarantee that one can find work in his/her chosen career.
Therefore, it has become quite common for many people to change career entirely or change jobs several times in order to survive.
- What can you do while in school to prepare for the world of work?
- If you find yourself unemployed after school or specialized training, what can you do to survive?
- How can workers prepare now for sudden unemployment?
1. Get links
At every point in our life we need links. That’s why we don’t have to destroy our relationship with people. Apart from our family and friends we contact often, there comes times we need old school mates, old contacts and acquaintances to link us up.
For most times, our kindness or other beautiful qualities may attract us to strangers who may be of help.
2. Ask around
In some places, many jobs aren’t advertised. So, contact companies that may need your skills even if they have not advertised. Keep trying until fortune smiles at you. Never be shy to tell people about your search for a job. By telling them, they may help you get one.
3. Be observant
Ask questions about buildings and other ongoing projects in your locality. Read notices. Follow job seeking links on the internet, beware of fraudsters.
4. Be open-minded
Being adaptable can help lift us from the pit of unemployment. How? Most job seekers have their ideal jobs in mind. Once they don’t get it, they keep waiting. Sometimes, the job that comes our way may even be different from the skills we have acquired. Do we let it go? Not at all. We take every decent opportunity that comes our way to learn more skills that may be helpful to us in the future.
5. Be realistic
In time, you may get a job that you like. In the meantime, don’t look down on any job. Ask to perform services for others. Such service rendering may even be the key you need to open the door to the opportunities you have always dreamed of.
6. Work for yourself
This series has been advocating for skill acquisition and talent development. Having practical skills can help one set up a business with or without capital, and you can be your own boss. Why not try and learn a skill? Will you harness a talent or hobby and make money out of it? Do it soon!
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