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New Year Goal-Learn new skills to improve your life

It’s the end of the year again and people are reflecting on what went on throughout the year. Others are already making resolutions for the upcoming year.

Are you ready for the upcoming year? You sure are. What do you plan to do?

For most people, these resolutions are forgotten just a month into the new year possibly because their goals are usually vague or too big to accomplish.

So this coming year, let’s do something interesting. Plan now before we’re out of time. There are exciting things around us that we need to explore. Don’t wait and wish when it’s too late.

Having a resolution is not as important as accomplishing it. We must take our goals in bits so that accomplishing them becomes easy. No matter who we are, learning new skills is as important as eating daily.

Developing our skills is an integral part of us. We learn to develop skills once we are conceived.  Right in the womb, we learn to feed, stretch and turn.

Once we are born, we increase our ability to learn by discovering new specialties. From listening attentively to taking note of things. Almost everything we do comes from constant practice. In our elementary years, we learn to read, write, add and draw.

As we get older, our quest to master the skills of our surroundings grows immensely. We tend to explore more driven by our passion. Developing skills is a part of our life.

Why you should learn a new skill this coming year

Acquiring skills is going to make us dexterous, giving us opportunities to switch jobs.

We will never get bored doing one thing all the time because we have options to choose from.

We can monetize our skills to support ourselves.

It brings us satisfaction in life and reduces our anxiety.

Are you thinking about how to do that?

You can read about how others have done it and encourage yourself through the following links

Where you can learn skills

Are you considering where to learn skills? There are many places to learn from. Learn from people in your locality who trade in what you want to learn. You can teach yourself with video DIY on YouTube and Pinterest. You can get skills and earn a certificate too.

There are many learning platforms online where you can learn skills and earn a certificate.

There are others that are skill specific, practical, and interactive. Yet still, others can help you learn and earn.

Alison has a wide range of courses to help you develop your skills and get a certificate. Almost every skill you can think of is offered by Alison.  You can learn and earn here

Canva helps you to learn how to design like a pro. The design school has tutorials that will help train you in design trends, color, typography, graphic design, and social media layouts. Learn more at

Coursera offers you learning without limit. There are start-up courses to help you switch or advance your career, professional certificates, and degree courses. Check out the link

If you love to code then go to FreeCodeCamp where you can get access to learn for free.  Check them out

Google Digital Garage offers a wide range of free learning content to help your business and career. Find their link

LinkedIn Learning is a platform to help you learn needed skills for career advancement.

Udemy offers in-demand skills with videos that you learn at your own pace

Make it your goal to learn a skill every month

Aside from the above, which may take some time, we can learn everyday skills. You can think about how to drive or operate simple as well as sophisticated machines.

You can learn how to take photos or videos professionally, and learn Photoshop and Illustrator.

Are you a music person, learn to play any musical instruments that you find interesting.

If you would like to explore technology, there is more in store for you. Learn to code, develop websites, design UX and UI, and digital content creation.

Learn farm work like fruit picking, harvesting, and planting.

Painting, writing, transcribing, gardening, carpentry, plumbing sewing, needlework, knitting, crocheting, and repair work are also available to us.

Effective job skills  going forward

Workers, near-retirees, and retirees can sharpen their skills in these old areas. Students especially should learn anything productive that comes their way.

So no matter the plan you already have,  together let us resolve to better ourselves by learning a new skill.



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