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Freelancing jobs, the new way to go.


A new gig in this economy? Well, yes☺️

Whether you are looking for something to add to what you have already or you want a new way of earning cash, freelancing can be a great fit. This post will give you insight into how to go into freelancing if the desire is there.

Any way you look at it, one of the best options you can have today is getting a job that allows you all the freedom you need to work from anywhere, at your own pace by showing your expertise in your field.

Hopefully, at the end of this post, you’ll be a confident freelancer.

Don’t be too hard on yourself. It will take time, but you’ll get there.

Who is a freelancer?

A freelancer may be a ghostwriter, copywriter, content marketer, report writer, performer, teacher, graphic designer, fashion designer, photographer, videographer, social media manager, virtual assistant, transcriptionist, SEO specialist, programmer, etc who delivers his services on a contract basis. Freelancers may not need to report to the office daily but work from home. Since freelancers work on a project basis, they may work for a time for a company or individual.

Why you should be a freelancer 

Being a freelancer gives you the independence you require to work. Do you want to have the flexibility and freedom to take care of your affairs, offer services at your convenience and work anywhere, anytime, or everywhere? Then find your niche, identify your target clients, set your rates, create a portfolio and expand your network. Your network starts with your family and friends, colleagues from school, and acquaintances. Freelancing can be difficult when the income is irregular, and some benefits full-time workers enjoy may not come your way, but you can still benefit from the flexibility that comes from owning yourself.

Starting a freelancing career 

Current job market trends show that job stability is elusive. Why not hit upon a job that would not make you redundant? Create a social media account on Instagram or any network. Learn more. Click Here. Showcase your work to the world. If you are a newbie just starting, just offer free services to people. Ask those who know you to tell others about your work. Having a business card handy isn’t a bad idea. Freelancing can be relatively easy if you have an outgoing personality. However, a shy person can do well by using good marketing strategies. By just telling others you are available to work, you grow your network of clients.

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Where you can learn to be a freelancer 

An obvious way to start freelancing is to learn to do it well. Are you thinking of giving it a try?  Learn to do freelancing with 👉 Alison

Alison offers you free online courses to begin your freelancing career in any field. Canva 👈 is another great place to learn to become a designer.  Udemy and Coursera are good platforms to learn to be a pro.

How to get a freelance job 

Getting a freelance job can be easier than you think. Once you know your niche you can find jobs on websites like 👉 Appen 

LinkedIn, Fiverr, Upwork, and Indeed can be good avenues for getting a freelancing job.


As the demand for jobs continues to change, there is a need to continually upskill to bridge the skill gap. Why not find your next job by becoming a freelancer?

Anyway, if you need a content writer for all your writing jobs, hit us up at

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